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puce Masayuki Miyoshi
Interview en VO  (Pa email)  February 2004

The first time I saw the Tex La Homa CD “If just today were to be my entire life”, the artwork looked very strange to me. Strange and very intelligent.
So I wanted to know who did this. And it was Masayuki Miyoshi from Japan.
Masa (as Matt Shaw used to call him) worked with other bands too, like Her Space Holiday.
There is sense in what he’s doing. The pictures, the words, the design : everything’s got a meaning.

Froggydelight has contacted him by email :

Where are you living? How old are you? What is your background (your work and your art) ?

I'm 25 years old, living in Tokyo, Japan. I studied Graphic and Web Design at a design school in Tokyo for about a year and keep studying by myself after that.

How do you work? How do you choose and what is your starting point and
how are you putting all the things together ?

First, gathering information, then decide the direction based on those info. And, I put some essential element and ideas altogether. After that, if I found some things extra, I cut these things. Then, the work is getting to be clear!

How do you define your work ? Are you a designer, a photograph a complete artist, etc. ?

Simple and easy! I think I'm a designer. Although I take pictures in my spare time, I wanna study photography a bit more seriously because I always want to take part in what I can.

Where do you get your inspiration (your country, music, movies, books, comics, etc.) ?

Music is very important for me. I'm also inspired by films and fashion. And of course, Japanese culture (especially traditional ones) give me some inspiration as well.

When and what was your first contact with Tex La Homa ? And why did you choose to work with him ? What do you find in his music ?

I and Matt started to have contacts in 2002, maybe autumn. I bought Tex La Homa's first album "Dazzle Me With Transience". I put the web address of Tex La Homa which was in Superglider's Records on the link page of my personal website ( as I really like the music. One day, Matt emailed me out of the blue. At first, I was really surprised that my favorite musician contacted me, but he's a really nice guy and we've started keeping in touch since then. Why am I working with him? It's simply because I like his music. I think the people he's describing in his music are always having their hope even they're unhappy. In my opinion, the music of Tex La Homa is 'the soundtrack for common people who never lose their hope'!!

What are your other collaborations ? What are your plans for the next year and, and maybe, for the future ?

I worked for Marc Bianchi, aka Her Space Holiday recently. He's also very talented guy and his new album "The Young Machines" is great. I may work for another British band soon. And my next big plan is, publishing a web magazine called 'Nowhere Magazine' which featured fashion, music and pop culture, hopefully by this summer.

Can you describe your WORK WITH THREE WORDS (only 3) ?

Twisted, Optimistic, Hopeful

We stay in touch, Masa. Thanks to you.


A lire aussi sur Froggy's Delight :

L'interview de Masayuki Miyoshi (Fevrier 2004)

Olivier K         
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# 05 mai 2024 : Profitons des ponts pour lire, écouter, visiter, applaudir...

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nouvel épisode du Morceau Caché intitulé "Session de rattrapage 6"
"Le souffle de l'Hybris" de AA & Les Oneiroi
"Murmuration" de Darius
"Creatures lies" de Isolation
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"Colliding spaces" de The Everminds
quelques clips : Comédie Noire, Hermetic Delight, Gogojuice, Cosmopaark, l'Ambulancier, No Money Kids
et toujours :
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"J'irais ailleurs" de Les Soucoupes Violentes
"Sublimer" de Marine Thibault
"For once" de Mélys
"Tu sauras pas quoi faire de moi" de Olivier Marois
"Boomerang" de The Darts

Au théâtre :

les nouveautés :
"Un mari idéal" au Théâtre Clavel
"Chère insaisissable" au Théâtre Le Lucernaire
"La loi du marcheur" au Théâtre de la Bastille
"Le jeu des ombres" au Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord

et toujours :
"Capharnaüm, poème théâtral" au Théâtre de la Cité Internationale
"Jean Baptiste, Madeleine, Armande et les autres" au Théâtre Gérard Philipe
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"37 heures" au Théâtre la Flèche
"Fantasmes" au Théâtre La Croisée des Chemins
des reprises :
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"Le chef d'oeuvre inconnu" au Théâtre Essaion
"Darius" au Théâtre Le Lucernaire
"Rimbaud cavalcades" au Théâtre Essaion
"La peur" au Théâtre La Scala

Une exposition à la Halle Saint Pierre : "L'esprit Singulier"

Du cinéma avec :

"L'esprit Coubertin" de Jérémie Sein
et toujours :
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"Hervé le Corre, mélancolie révolutionnaire" de Yvan Robin
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"Récifs" de Romesh Gunesekera

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Bonne lecture, bonne culture, et à la semaine prochaine.

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