delete from lof_froggydelight1.stats where stats_djour <= '2024-02-04'
Warning: mysqli_affected_rows() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in /home/clients/5e07be7bd5dfa17895de0b03930777f2/web/modules/default.php on line 123
SELECT chronique_titre1,stats_article,stats_refmots,count(*),max(stats_referrer) from lof_froggydelight1.stats t ,froggydelight.kronik k where t.stats_article = k.chronique_id and stats_flagarticle=1 and stats_refsite regexp 'google' and stats_refsite not regexp 'images' and stats_refmots is not null and stats_djour = '2024-05-03' group by chronique_titre1,stats_article,stats_refmots order by 4 desc limit 2000
Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in /home/clients/5e07be7bd5dfa17895de0b03930777f2/web/modules/default.php on line 141
Query failed :