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Interview VO  (Paris)  20 avril 2006

Stuart Ashton Staples is a lovely guy, a gentleman with heart. His voice is like no others, soft and low, always on the wire, a fragile equilibrium. Like were the Tindersticks.

Sometimes, things are not like in movies or books. It's not so easy. But there is always beauty. Sometimes everything is turning on and you feel bad.

That is what Stuart Staples describes in his songs.

"Lucky Recordings" was a collection of songs recorded in three years, between 2002 and 2004. How was it for "Leaving songs" ?

Stuart Staples : "Lucky recordings" was growing in the studio because I was experimenting, reorienting the way the things were. I was expecting to reach the point where I need to finish it. I also had a wait for more traditional songs. I realized I wanted to make a complete album. I suppose two years ago I was adding to make it in parts. It was a tightly different approach.

Why this title "Leaving songs" ?

Stuart Staples : It was a time in my life. I tried to capture the way I felt. When I was with the band. In London . Living in a loft. The oldest song of this album is a kind of perspective, a preparing to make changes, leaving London .

With trumpets, duets, acoustic guitars, "Leaving songs" has a countryside mood.

Stuart Staples : It closes a circle form me. Since I started writing songs, a long time ago, country music gives me the way to write. I recorded with Mark Neves, from Lambchop. I needed to go somewhere. I need not to stay only with my acoustic guitar and record songs even if all the songs were composed with it.

Are your influences different from your work with Tindersticks ?

Stuart Staples : No. All of my writings, even with Tindersticks are a kind of flow of the way change. It's near the same influences. It's not a very different approach. It's still a look to particular things. Yes. I try to understand particular things.

And the way you are working now ?

Stuart Staples : It's really different. I have to complete the songs. Before, I approached what they needed musically. I was writing a small part and the song grew up like the words were growing up.

It's very different in that way. I have to be a lot more disciplined, involved. I have to be totally convinced with the strength of the songs and then decide what to do. When you are working in a band, things are just a starting. For me a solo recording was a challenge : the first time in my life I had to complete songs.

Members of Tindersticks are playing with you…

Stuart Staples : Two of them. On tour.

They don't decide anything ?

Stuart Staples : No. (laughs) In fact, they decide a little bit. They do what they like because I want to work in a way giving musicians an idea and give them the possibility to be themselves. If I like the way somebody play, we can build a conversation.

You have played several shows ?

Stuart Staples : A few.

How did you feel ?

Stuart Staples : In fact, I will play few more shows like in Paris in June (ndlr : le 24 juin 2006 au Cabaret Sauvage). At the beginning it was trials. We played for show, something grew up and now we all want play more. It's nice because it's like a band, note only rehearsals.

Do you plays Tinderstings songs ?

Stuart Staples : No.

Is the Tindersticks page definitely turned up ?

Stuart Staples : I think a page of it is turned. We will make a new page. When you work so long time in a certain way, with six people, it's very difficult to change. We need space, time, different perspectives, to play together in a different approach.

And if it doesn't happen ?

Stuart Staples : It will happen ! Everybody in the band hopes the right time to come back.

Why did you wait so long time to record your solo album ?

Stuart Staples : Inside a band, it's a very scary place to do that. It takes a lot of courage to get independence. I've very much enjoyed the times, what we did.

But I also enjoyed the freedom to be far, getting what I need, playing particular songs, developing particular ideas.

What is the time you prefer in your carreer ?

Stuart Staples : They are so many… Certainly the way we worked. It was like capturing a little, precious, thing.

Where do you find inspiration for your lyrics ?

Stuart Staples : It's about life but not always true stories. Songs came from the feelings and the rhythm of few words. Just few words can grow up to be a great songs. It's not necessary linear or the truth. It's more about the basic feelings of the moment.

Final question : can you describe yourself in three words ?

Stuart Staples : Hmm… No. (Laughs).

But it's always our final question… People used to answer it…

Stuart Staples : Definitely no. (laughs). But I'm sure many people could describe me in three words ! (laughs).

Thanks Stuart for your kindness and your songs.


A lire aussi sur Froggy's Delight :

La chronique de l'album Lucky dog recordings de Stuart Staples
La chronique de l'album Leaving songs de Stuart Staples
Stuart Staples en concert au Festival La Route du Rock 2006 (samedi)
L'interview de Stuart Staples (20 avril 2006)
La chronique de l'album Waiting for the moon de Tindersticks
La chronique de l'album The hungry saw de Tindersticks
La chronique de l'album Falling down a mountain de Tindersticks
La chronique de l'album Past Imperfect : The Best Of Tindersticks '92-'21 de Tindersticks
Tindersticks en concert à La Cigale (26 septembre 2003)
Tindersticks en concert à Folies Bergères (5 mai 2008)
Tindersticks en concert au Festival La Route du Rock 2008
Tindersticks en concert au Grand Théâtre (mardi 2 novembre 2010)
Tindersticks en concert au Festival Beauregard #4 (édition 2012) - Samedi
Tindersticks en concert à Splendid (jeudi 11 octobre 2012)
Tindersticks en concert au Fil (dimanche 14 octobre 2012)
Tindersticks en concert au Festival Les Vieilles Charrues 2016 - du vendredi au dimanche
Tindersticks en concert au Festival La Route du Rock #26 (samedi 13 août 2016)
L'interview de Tindersticks (janvier 2010)

Crédits photos : David (plus de photos sur Taste of indie)

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